These shoes were made for walking, and motherhood....

I'm sure you have heard the saying "Don't judge someone until you have walked in their shoes."

Growing up, my mom had this one pair of sneakers she wore for EVERYTHING, and man was I mortified of those shoes. She wore them to take us to the mall, to our doctors appointments, and to pick us up from school. They were worn and scuffed. These sneakers, were a far cry from being fashionable enough for her teenage daughter to be associated with them.  I always wondered why she never took the time to buy herself a new pair. I mean, after all, she was at the store several times a month, there really was no excuse for her, other than she simply didn't want to take the time.

Today, after I rushed breakfast down my kids throats, and got them dressed. I kissed the girls goodbye, and slipped on my shoes as I got ready to take my son to a doctors appointment. As I was driving, I had to keep adjusting my one shoe because the insert kept getting bunched up under my foot. My son, five years old, asked "why don't you just get new shoes if those are old?" I chuckled, and in that moment my childhood came flooding back to me.

These shoes, worn on the bottom, dirty and stretched out, have carried me through so many moments the past few years. These shoes brought home my twin baby girls after they were born. They have walked with me to countless doctors appointments, some for myself, most for my children. They tag along during grocery shopping, picking up prescriptions, running kids to and from school and sports. I adventured 8 miles with them during my first trip to NYC. They run with me while I'm chasing my kids around the yard. They paced with me while I anxiously awaited the safe arrival of my nephew, and prayed for my sister. These shoes have helped me decorate for first, second, third, fourth and fifth birthday parties. They have collected tears, grass stains, bubble gum, sweat and a million other quite nauseating things I am sure.

These shoes are a badge of motherhood. Sure, nothing is stopping me from going out and buying a brand new pair. But the truth is, when you're a mother, there's not a lot of time. There's not a lot of time to worry about everyone, which is a big part of motherhood, let alone go shoe shopping. As a mother, you spend every waking moment worrying about everyone, but yourself, and when you fall asleep, you're burdened in your dreams. Grandparents. Parents. Children. Husband. Sister. Nephew. Cousins. Aunts. Uncles. Friends. So, shoes? Yea, shoes go to the very bottom of the priority list. Besides, these pair of shoes have sometimes been the only support you receive, when you're too busy putting on a brave face. Because you know, all the other moms would worry about you too, if they thought you were doing anything other than fine. And you don't want to add one more worry bullet to their list. These shoes have been there, with you, in the thick of it.

These shoes are the nitty gritty of your life. They have seen the truth of your day, that as a mother, you hide from everyone else. There's a lot of little secrets between a mom and her faithful, grungy shoes. These shoes, they've got your back and the entire weight of your current motherhood existence. They're your foundation.

I never understood growing up, how strong my mother actually was. I know now, those old shoes of hers, they said it all. I've walked a few good miles in shoes like hers, and I get it finally. So moms, you rock those tarnished shoes with the utmost pride. When your child rags on you and your ugly shoes, it's okay. One day, they'll be in shoes just like yours, their kid will call them out, and they'll chuckle as they reminisce about you, and your strength. I promise.


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