Mom's Personal Space......What's that?

Let us talk about personal space or the lack of, rather. If you're a mom you're probably thinking....personal space?....What is that?!

Think real hard, there was once a time when you didn't poop while opening a juice box. Do you remember that? either.

Tonight, after a rather challenging day with the kids, (Thanks but no thanks to my parents who dropped in for a hot second. During that hot second they managed to load my kids up with two bags of sugary coated sugar...and then split to leave me with the toddler sugar high) I finally got my kids to bed. Ah. The time of day all mothers are thankful for. After I wrangled them up to their beds, I decided tonight to treat myself with a peaceful shower.....yea that's where I went wrong.

So I'm jamming out in the shower to the song Body like a back road, by Sam Hunt. I was just demonstrating my hips like honey...when I opened my eyes to see my son standing there. Shower curtain pulled back and his face fully unamused. " I just wanted to tell you I have to poop.". ..........


Not even a week earlier. I left my husband outside with the kids. I wanted to come in and get showered first before I started dinner. I was just lathering up my wash cloth when one of my daughters appeared...."Open my bubbles." ......... a few moments after barely rinsing the suds off... my son pops in " I need a drink." the middle of my high-end suave shampoo massage... I get a shoe thrown at me....followed by a "put my shoe back on me PUHleaseeeeeeee"


I look out the bathroom window and see him sitting right where I left him, in his own personal bubble. Quite content, in his lawn chair.

My favorite is when I was in the middle of going to the bathroom. My son opens the door and asked me for a snack. I asked him why he didn't ask his father. "Because he is busy.".....ohhhhhh is he now, what is he busy doing? "He is watching TV"

I can't wait until these kids are teenagers. When they give me grief for invading their privacy.......oh baby watch out......momma will be on fire:

Dear child of mine,
 let me tell you a thing or two about privacy. There are reasons you don't remember anything before the age of 5. If you had earlier memories,we would all be popping Prozac right now to get through the mental scarring of mom's shower time dance offs and all the times you begged me to read you a book while I was sitting on the toliet. 

Love, the mom you once couldn't live without....and must I remind came out of my lady there's that.

I'm not sure why mother's are not allowed to have their own personal bubble. It's as if, just because they were grown inside of us, and pushed out of us one way or another, that they feel entitled to our space as their own. I mean you don't see kids begging to watch their father sit on the do you?! I mean no one in their right mind wants to be any where close to that atomic bomb when it hits. So I can't blame them there.

But I am just over bad shower dance move at a time...waiting for my kids to not think their mom is so cool anymore.  People always say enjoy every little moment with your kids, because you never know when it will be your last time making that certain memory. Well I can assure you.....the last time I get an audience while my body is ridding itself of last night's Chinese food....will be a happy occassion.

So let's hang in there mommas. One day......soon hopefully.....our bubble will be ours again. What a glorious day that will be.


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