"The Look"

Do you remember "the look" you got as a child from your mom? The one where her eyes looked like they were going to bulge out of her head and her mouth tensed up. The one where you knew you better get your act together or there would be extreme consequences to pay.
All you would have to do is think about doing mischief, and with her mom ESP, she would shoot you that look from across the room. It made you stop dead in your tracks.
I used to fear getting that look from my mother. My kids, just think I'm getting constipated.
Earlier, while i was on the phone, I caught my daughter getting ready to throw clean dishes from the drying rack into the dirty dish water. I shot her a look, that I swear should have burned through her soul. Either my face just isn't legit or my kids think I'm a joke. Because it wasn't long and she was chucking silverware and bowls right into the sink.
My son looked at me and asked, "mom, what's wrong with your face?"
Appearantly, I need to set some time aside to stare into a mirror to get this down. I want the power of the look. I NEED the power of the look. I thought this came natural as a part of motherhood. Like, as soon as you gave birth it became a magical talent. Or, is there a secret class on how to scare the life out of your kids by giving them the "look", that I don't know about.
If there is a class, sign me up. I would love nothing more than to get my kids to straighten up by just staring them down, especially in public. Instead, I will continue to pull them close, and whisper sweet threats into their ears. All while I wear a smile on my face so the Wal Mart shoppers will think I've got it going on. Don't mind me, just parent of the year over here, quietly threating to never let my kids taste ice cream ever again.


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