You might be a mom on a Monday if.....

 It wasn't even 9 AM - and I wanted this day to be over with.

My Monday has turned into a stereotypical Monday 6 times over already!

You know it's a Monday when the kids that woke up ready to take on the world at 6:30 AM ALL WEEKEND are now resisting being drug out of bed for school.

When you haven't had your coffee yet and your 4 year old decides to practice her rhyming skills with swear words - itchy, bitchy and you say "good job honey". It's a Monday with out coffee yet. Maybe after coffee it will turn around. 

You go to warm up your van. But the van is locked and your key fob is dead and your spare key is broke off inside the key fob. So you call your husband to come back from work to unlock your van. In the meantime you jam knives into your key fob, and bang it on the counter. The key miraculously falls out. You call off your husband. You start up the van. The alarm goes off. Good morning neighbors - It's MONDAY!!!

When grabbing your daughter's book bags to clear out the papers from last week (opps) you smell something raunchy. Then you remember the crab apples they both took to school LAST MONDAY for apple day. Yep. A fantastic rotten apple stew is at the bottom of their bags.  The smell of Monday.

You hear the kids screaming. The dog is drinking out of your coffee cup which is now cold anyways. When it's more time efficient to drink cold dog slobber coffee rather than making a new cup. It's most certainly Monday.

It's school spirit week. So you dress your kid up in head to toe gray. He's pretty pumped. Only when you're sitting at the bus stop do you remember that his school colors are white and maroon. Give me a break. He's only been in this school for 2 years and it's Monday.

While waiting for the bus the kids are playing nicely. You admire that. Then your son makes an obnoxious alarm sound. Your daughter springs up from fake sleeping and smiles. Your son turns to her and says " No. Remember you're the parent. You're not suppose to wake up happy. You're supposed to wake up with a mad face and be grumpy"......

As you're watching your 4 year old walk into school, and realize not only is her coat inside out, it's also upside down....and you take a pic and just let her keep walking as you wave goodbye. For sure a Monday.

When you finally receive the coffee mug that you have been waiting WEEKS for, you think maybe today is going to start to turn around. Then you open it, and your glorious "hope" mug has a chip and is cracked the whole way down the side. Oh hello Monday....


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