If you give a mother twins

 If you give a mother twins, she will worry how she'll do it.
She will fear she won't have enough love,patience, or time.
If you give a mother twins, she will learn them apart from the very start.
In the womb Baby A loves to dance; while Baby B loves to sleep.
If you give a mother twins, she will get all sorts of advice.
"Get them on the same schedule, trust me you'll thank me later."
If you give a mother twins, she will soon realize the advice was bogus.
Baby A doesn't like to sleep, and Baby B takes longer to eat.
If you give a mother twins, she will be tired.
Tired of hearing "you must be so tired"
If you give a mother twins, and tell her she looks tired,
It's best to end that statement with- so, how can I help?
If you give a mother twins, she will do her best.
Do her best to celebrate and defend all their differences.
If you give a mother twins, she will always feel torn.
Who comes first, who gets to hold mom's one free hand.
If you give a mother twins who are fraternal,
She will constantly explain that they do not, in fact, have to look or act the same.
If you give a mother twins, she will always be spread so thin.
Which means she may not always be the most present for everyone else.
If you give a mother twins, she will learn to multitask.
She will cook dinner all while she helps with homework, folds laundry, fills snack bags, and fields off telemarketers on the phone.
If you give a mother twins, people will tell her she's a superhero.
She will be modest, and assure you, she just does whats needed, as she tucks her cape inside.
If you give a mother twins, and they happen to be girls,
There will be lots of make believe, and lots of crying, but way more hugs and kisses.
If you give a mother twins, she will secretly have a favorite,
Her favorite will change, moment to moment, depending on who's behaving.
If you give a mother twins, don't expect her to know everything.
She's likely just making it all up as she goes, just like you.
If you give a mother twins, don't ask her what she does in her free time.
She's a mother. To twins. She has no free time.
If you give a mother twins, do not judge her appearance.
She's aware she looks like a hairball. But. The kids do not. So.
If you give a mother twins, they will likely test her patience.
Like, a lot. Which sometimes means she will yell. Like, a lot.
If you give a mother twins, there will be bad days.
The kids will have bad days. The mom will have bad days.
If you give a mother twins, and catch them on a bad day,
Just know, there are even more great days, so please don't call CPS.
If you give a mother twins, she will read twice as many bed time stories.
Because, she will feel guilty about so many things, bed time stories will not be one.
If you give a mother twins, she will be relieved.
She will know, that for their entire life, they will never go with out a friend.
If you give a mother twins, she will survive it, because she was blessed and she absolutely knows it.


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